Meine süsse Mia ist heute 3 Jahre alt geworden . Wow wie die Zeit vergeht echt verrückt . Ich möchte Euch gerne ein paar Bilder von ihrem Geburtstag zeigen, es war ein supertoller Tag auch ohne bestimmte Personen "mal rüber wink" Aber seht selber, die Bilder sagen alles grins
Today my sweet daughter Mia will be 3 years old :-))). Here some pictures from her Birthday. The Time went so fast, now she is a big girl "gg"......
Oh thank your for sharing the photo's of your daughter special day Heike. She is just so adorable and hope Mia had a great birthday. Gorgeous photo of your girls together, Big Hugs, Nikki x
dear Heike, Thank you sharing for such lovely phot's from your birthday daughter Congratulations with her and now she is 3 years, one year then she go to school?? Now I became a follower of you so I can back soon to see all your creations and other things. Would you like it to become in my followlisting hugs Lia
8 Kommentare:
Oh thank your for sharing the photo's of your daughter special day Heike. She is just so adorable and hope Mia had a great birthday. Gorgeous photo of your girls together, Big Hugs, Nikki x
dear Heike,
Thank you sharing for such lovely phot's from your birthday daughter
Congratulations with her and now she is 3 years, one year then she go to school??
Now I became a follower of you so I can back soon to see all your creations and other things.
Would you like it to become in my followlisting
hugs Lia
Looks like Mia had a wonderful day!! Your girls are so beautiful. Thanks for sharing such precious photos with us.
Sandra xx
Hello... me again!
There is something on my blog for you.
Sandra xx
Liebe Mia! Alles Gute nachträglich zu Deinem Geburtstag! :-)))) Du scheinst eine Menge Spaß gehabt zu haben ... ;-)
Was hast du für süße Töchter! Alles Liebe und Gute für Mia nachträglich!
Und vielen dank für deine lieben Worte auf meinem Blog.
LG Simone
Deine Töchter sind ja süss, sag der kleinen alles gute zum Geburtstag nachträglich...
Lg, Helga
Happy birthday Mia! Süsse Fotos deiner 2 Mädels :)
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