Nun hoffe ich doch, ihr macht alle fleißig mit und freue mich schon auf eure Werke, denn wir haben einen tollen Gewinn von Handy Hippo.co.uk.....

Here comes my first DT Card for the wonderful Charisma Cardz Challenge. Please have a look at the wonderful Blog. I hope you like my work, the Spellbinders are the new "Labels three" aren't they mad? The work was a lot of fun......

Now I hope you all join in and I´m looking forward to see your great works. We have a great prize, this time from the Handy Hippo shop.

11 Kommentare:
Your card is fabulous. Love the colors and the coloring of your image. Congratulations on your DT appointment.
Oh wow Heike this is fabulous, I love the colours and gorgeous Tilda ~ brilliant.
Have a great day
Tracie :)x
wow Heike your card is fabulous I love the colors and your coloring is great
hugs Lia
What a beautiful card Heike,l love the stamp and colour.
Hugs Riet.x
ohh ich liebe einfach rot und diese Karte ist ja umwerfend schön:)
In was gebraucht man nestibillities? ich bin immer noch sehr neu im /Maschinen Werkzeug gebrach:)
lg aus dem sonnigen Dänemark
Ahhhh such a sweet card Heike. CoNgRaTs on your DT post :o)
There is an award on my blog for you
Sandra xx
Gorgeous card,Love the colours they are perfect for this Tilda!!!
Beautiful DT card Heike, Just love these cute images and your colouring, Have a wonderful weekend, Big Hugs, Nikki x
Wow...perfect abgestimmt, ich liebe deine Karte, obwohl ich rot nicht leiden mag.
Schönes Wochenende
Love this card, very pretty, and a lovely mix of black and red!
This is so beautiful, love the colours and your colouring :)
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