Schaut doch mal auf dem tollen Blog von Nicole vorbei und lasst Euch inspirieren.....

Hier findet ihr demnächst den tollen Shop von Inky Impressions....

I have some great news...... I am a part of the wonderful design team from Inky Impressions . Woooow, what an honour. I can´t believe it and I am so excited, that I will support the team! Please have a look at the wonderful Blog from the lovely Nicole. Thanks so much ladies, I´m so pleased to be a part of the design team...

The Wonderful Inky Impressions Shop come up here

10 Kommentare:
congratulations Heike, so thrilled for you!
Have a great evening, Debx
That is fabulous new Heike.. Congratulations! They are so lucky to have you, Big Hugs, Nikki x
Congratulations!!! Have lots of fun!
herzlichen glückwunsch heike !! jetzt sind wir mal gemeinsam im team ;-)
glg tina46
Meinen herzlichsten Glückwunsch, ich kann verstehen das du dich freust wie Bolle!!!!!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch du Hüpfmädchen *ggg*...
Liebe Grüße Ivi
Oooh Congratulations Heike!!
Also, thanks for your advice on a template, it was fantastic!
Leanne :o)
Yeah!! Congrats to you and I look forward to seeing what you create!! :)
Congrats Heike! I can't wait to start working with you on Nicole's Inky Impressions DT! I'm sure we'll have lots of fun getting to know each other and collaborating. Hugs, Cami
Hi Hieke,
I wanted to come by and finally say Hi to everyone who is on the Inky Team!!!
Congrats on making the team I really look forward to getting to know you better as we work together on the team!!!
I have spent some time going through your blog and you have some really cute things on here!!!
Wonderful creations and wonderful talent girl!!!
I love the pictures of your kids too!!! They remind me of my own kids!!!
I added your blog to my follow list too!!!
Heather Schlatter
:) YAY... congrats (once again) and I'm so happy to be on the "INKY" team with you!! I've really enjoyed visiting your blog and look forward to seeing your "INKY" creations in the very near future...can't wait!!
"Inky" Hugs,
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