Schaut doch mal auf dem tollen Blog von der Double Dutch Challenge und auch bei den wundervollen Designteam Members vorbei und lasst Euch inspirieren.....

I have some great news...... I am a part of the wonderful design team from the Double Dutch Challenge. Woooow, what an honour. I can´t believe it and I am so excited, that I will support the team! Please have a look at the beautiful Blog's from all the wonderful Designteam Member's. Thanks so much ladies, I´m so pleased to be a part of the design team...

4 Kommentare:
WOW...congratulations Heiki ☺ So happy for you!!
xXx Kristine
WOOHOO!! Congrats on this fabulous news!! ;)
Congratulations!! They are sooo lucky to have you!!!!
Herzlichen Glückwunsch, liebe Heike.
Liebe Grüße, Katja
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